Cloud Printing

Everything About Cloud Printing and ThinPrints Cloud Printing Solution ezeep

Soon reality: Windows Virtual Desktop

What You Need to Know About Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop

Just a few days ago, Microsoft WVD & RDS Group Manager Scott Manchester tweeted We are feature complete with #WVD and will be moving to the final phase for GA.” ThinPrint as a WVD partner has a unique insight into how Microsoft’s Windows 10 multiuser experience will work.

Cloud printing

Cloud Printing: A Response to CIOReview

In an article in CIOReview Chad Leverenz discusses his vision of a cloud-only future based on Microsoft Azure. His recommendation: a cloud-only strategy. Here is what our ThinPrint Cloud Services CEO Christoph Hammer thinks about it and about the future of cloud printing.

Cloudprinting kann glücklich machen

The Top 10 Printing Challenges Service Providers Face

If service providers want satisfied customers, then they must ensure that printing simply works. They face at least 10 challenges however in doing so.

Cloud Printing – Simplify IT, Reduce Costs, Provide Better Service

In our "5 Reasons Data Center Transformation is Good for Printing" blog series, we show you the most important advantages of the private cloud service. In this article, let’s take a step towards the public cloud service for print management. Learn from this brief article how easy it is to integrate ThinPrint Cloud Services into your organization and simplify IT processes, reduce costs, and optimize cloud printing services.

Inverted Guest Printing in VLAN Environments

We are sponsor at a lot of tradeshows and I am frequently one of the lucky guys who get to man our booth and answer questions. After doing this for a decade it doesn’t happen often that an attendee has a printing challenge that I didn’t come across, yet. However, it did happen a few months ago.

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