IT Administration

Suggestions and best practice examples for the planning, implementation and optimisation of your printing environment.

From Print Spooler Issues to High Availability

The print spooler is essential for the correct execution of printing processes. In this article, we show what tasks a print spooler performs, what problems can arise during print spooling, and how ThinPrint ensures high availability with its early warning system.

How to Map a Printer by IP Address for Dynamic Work Environments

Discover how to streamline printer mapping by IP address with ThinPrint's AutoConnect technology for seamless, dynamic assignments.

Printing without VPN with ThinPrint Secure Tunnel

Mastering Challenges and Optimizing Print Services: Success Strategies for Service Providers

For service providers, it's no longer a problem to offer their own services and virtual services to customers, even if there isn't a VPN channel to each customer. But what if customer-owned printers also need to be available in the provided services? This is where ThinPrint's Secure Tunnel comes into play.

Printing Defaults vs. Printing Preferences vs. Printing Properties – What to watch out for when changing settings

Properties for printer queues such as paper formats or orientation can be set in different ways. We discuss three setting options and their effects and show how ThinPrint's virtual printer driver ensures user-friendly and cost-saving printing.

ThinPrints LPD Service enables highly available backend printing

Printing from ERP, CRM or EMR (HIS) Systems

Whether printing from SAP, Oracle, McKesson, Cerner or Epic: With the new ThinPrint LPD Service, ThinPrint ensures highly available CRM, ERP or EMR (HIS) printing.

printer assignment via group policy

Printer assignment via group policy – blessing or curse?

What exactly is printer assignment via group policy? For whom is it suitable and for whom not? What are the limitations or disadvantages of group policy printer assignment and what better alternatives are there for assigning printers?

ThinPrint Podcast Episode 1: Establishing Secure and Stable Remote Desktop Printing

The insurance brokers and advisors Hastings, based in Ireland, specialize in formulating the best possible insurance packages for their clients. As remote desktop printer redirection was not working properly in their environment, ThinPrint stepped in to establish a solid system.

How We Created Hundreds of Print Queues in Minutes

With ThinPrint Management Services you can very quickly create hundreds of printer objects and queues on a central print server. So quick, that the entire process takes just a matter of minutes

ThinPrint Tutorial: Rapidly Deploying Large-Scale Print Environments

In this tutorial, we show how quick it is to deploy printer queues for two different branch print servers with two central printer servers simultaneously.

ThinPrint High Availability Tutorial: Printer Server Cluster

Watch this video tutorial and see how to setup a failover cluster with the ThinPrint Engine, guaranteeing print job processing after a catastrophic print server outage.

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