
Everything you need to know about print security – secure printing thanks to encryption, pull printing and more.

Security Vulnerability in HP Printer Drivers 

Find out why a security vulnerability in HP universal drivers poses a risk and how an update can protect your business.


Precaution for expired certificates on HP Future Smart printers

To eliminate security issues, HP recommends removing expired/unneeded certificates on HP Future Smart printers.

Printers As a Gateway for Hackers

Printers As a Gateway for Hackers

A while ago, cybersecurity specialist F-Secure found security vulnerabilities in printing systems. Find out now what it was all about and how you can protect your printing devices.


PrintNightmare: How to Protect your IT Environment!

The Microsoft Windows Spooler security loophole, PrintNightmare, has caused significant disruption, with many IT departments scrambling to find a solution so that their users can print securely in the long term.

Print securely with ThinPrint

CVE-2021-34527 Windows Print Spooler Vulnerability – How to Ensure Uninterrupted Printing Despite PrintNightmare

If you are a ThinPrint customer, we recommend you follow these steps to ensure printing is unaffected by the CVE-2021-34527 Windows print spooler vulnerability, also known as PrintNightmare.

Personal Printing – The Secure Pull Printing Solution With Many Uses

In our short webinar we present our secure pull printing solution Personal Printing and report on an exciting use case during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contactless Secure Printing – Protect Corporate Data Against Misuse And Employees from Coronavirus

The current corona crisis is also affecting corporate printing. Learn why contactless printing is the most secure alternative to PIN-based release printing.

Xerox AltaLink printers come with integrated ThinPrint client

A Small Piece of Software with a Big Impact: Xerox AltaLink and VersaLink Now Come with a ThinPrint Client

Officially announced at the beginning of 2019, the enterprise printers belonging to the Xerox VersaLink® and Xerox AltaLink® family are now supported by ThinPrint software. The ThinPrint blog spoke with Bernd Hausmann, Technical Director Business Development Printer Manufacturers, about this important OEM partnership

Pull Printing

Pull Printing: Why Isn’t it in Widespread Use – Yet?

Pull printing helps the environment, saves costs and protects data. Why do so few companies use Pull Printing? We get to the bottom of potential challenges and give you useful tips for implementation.

GDPR with 3 marketleaders

EU GDPR: Citrix, Igel and ThinPrint – Better Together

Combining Citrix, IGEL and ThinPrint, organizations can adopt print solutions that satisfy the EU's General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

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